Curs de scris cu poeta Tara Skurtu
Împreună cu prietena DoR, poeta Tara Skurtu, organizăm din nou un workshop de două zile în care să exersăm, să…
Împreună cu prietena DoR, poeta Tara Skurtu, organizăm din nou un workshop de două zile în care să exersăm, să ne lăsăm duși de inspirație și să învățăm ceva mai multe despre cum putem scrie mai bine, mai eficient, mai creativ.
Mai jos, o prezentare a zilei de la Tara Skurtu:
Creative Writing from Memory: a Weekend Workshop with American Poet Tara Skurtu
Do you want to write, but don’t know how to get started? Could you simply use some inspiration? Join me for my weekend creative writing workshop, Writing from Memory.
We all have the same fears about writing. What if it’s not good enough? What if I can’t find the right words? What if no one likes it? In this workshop we will address our fears and write past them. I will guide you through a series of creative exercises to get you writing without thinking what if. We will use personal memory (full of images, stories, senses, and feelings) as the basis for our writing. You will surprise yourself with what you produce: a strong draft of a poem or piece of prose that captures a clear moment of transformation and tells a story.
Day 1 is all about writing. We will begin in a stream-of-consciousness manner and then weave in components of memory and place. You will use your memories to create surprising, effective, and honest narratives—writing that conveys emotion without using any emotion words. I will guide you through all of this with unique exercises I have developed.
On Day 2 you will become readers and editors. Everyone will bring in a typed page of new writing, and I will lead an engaging workshop in which we read our poems and prose aloud, have lively conversations, and make suggestions for editing and revision.
In addition, I will teach simple techniques that will make all of your writing—whether it be personal, professional, academic, emails, or even social media posts—stronger and more efficient. You will build confidence in your personal voice and writing abilities (especially in English) and will feel more comfortable presenting your work to an audience.
*Professional writing experience is not necessary—in fact, 99% of the people who take this workshop don’t consider themselves writers.
What past participants have to say about Tara’s workshop:
I liked everything very much, even the atmosphere of the newsroom. For a few hours, I felt that I lived my childhood dream to write for a magazine. The idea of the workshop was a good one: you bring together people with the same passion, but different jobs—who otherwise wouldn’t have met. And Tara is adorable! A genuine person. (Alina Pantea)
Tara had a clear structure for what she wanted to teach and how she wanted to teach it. It can be difficult to give people confidence in their own creativity, but I feel Tara managed just that with everyone present. I think a great deal of that success had to do with the confidence of her lesson structure—the teaching wasn’t rigid, yet it was still very clear. Tara had a fantastic energy that made me want to share what I had written, and that enthusiasm gave me more confidence in my desire to write. (Anthony Wilkes)
The exercise I loved most was the one in which she asked us to write about a memory, which she then kept interrupting. She was giving us different suggestions and making changes to our story, which turned out to be a very good exercise for me, because I learned that a story is not just about one fact, one feeling, one memory—it’s about everything that is happening in that moment and that can add to it to make it more of what you want it to be. (Andreea Băloi)
CÂND: Sâmbătă și duminică, 18 și 19 martie, de la 10:30 la 15:30. ● UNDE: Redacția DoR 4.0 (suntem situați central, pe bulevardul Dacia) ● CÂT: 450 de lei ● CUM: Rezervă-ți locul cu un mail la (Subiect: „Curs Tara”) până miercuri, 15 martie. Facem o listă pe principiul „primul venit-primul servit” și apoi revenim cu informații despre plată (vei avea o săptămână să plătești, ca să-ți confirmi locul).
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